Thursday, April 22, 2010

Treasure Hunt 101

Week Two. Intercession.

it's the revelation that EVERYthing I do can be a living act of intercession. Not just prayer. it's bridging the gap between God and man. Bringing God's influence to earth. That's some better motivation for cooking dinner.

So then.. evangelizing is bridging the gap. Literally.
We played treasure hunt again. (mentioned in my previous post) I was determined to be open this time. Seriously, I have the mind of Christ so his thoughts are my thoughts. He IS speaking to me, and I CAN hear Him. We prayed for clues... couldn't get the name "Eduardo" outta my head so I wrote that down along with carrot and yellow plastic bag. I just laughed when I got carrot. But you never know.

My group went to the cathedral. Zorena found the man that matched her clues. Tony got white shirt, cap, and pain in leg. So he started talking to a guy with a white shirt and cap selling bird food. Turns out he had leg pain, AND his name was Eduardo! AH! I showed him what I wrote down, that God gave me his name.

Rachael still hadn't found her person. God had given her picture of a younger white guy, long sandy brown hair, scruffy pirate looking. We ran around the market...nothing. So we stopped to pray again, that God would bring this guy. Then Rachael looked up, "Hey that looks like him..." A group of tourists walked past us, with a scruffy guy, lots of piercings and huge gauges. "Except his hair is dark..." The guy passed us. I said we should just ask if he used to have lighter hair. So we ran after this guy, asked him about his hair. He said yes, but 8 YEARS ago, I got discouraged and thanked him. He left. I didn't know what else to do. Rachael said while we were talking God gave her a word for him. "So... do we run after him again?" But he was no where in sight.
On our way back to the car, Rachael randomly decided she wanted ice cream. So we stopped in Burger King, sat down with our cones. Kept glancing out the window for that guy. We prayed quick; Rachael mentioned it'd be awesome if God just brought him right into Burger King.
A tourist couple next to us was feeding their baby a banana. Rachael had "banana" on her treasure map, so staying obedient to God she went to talk to them. A minute later I looked up. No freaking way. That guy was RIGHT next to my table! Standing in line with his friends. I got up, and taped Rachael on the shoulder. "Dude. Look, he's here. We gotta talk to him! It's totally from God!"
Rachael was a little nervous, but seriously God brought him RIGHT to us. So I walked over, shook his hand. His name is Scott. He asked us why we were searching for a guy that looked like him. So we explained what we were doing, that God gave us a picture of what he looked like. And we weren't doing this just to mess around and meet strangers, but God gives us words and picture because people are on his heart. that HE is on God's heart. So Rachael told Scott the word God gave her, about him being valued. I asked if this was weird for creepy for him. Yup, he was creeped out. Didn't believe in God. I could tell he was nervous, and then his friend came and took him away.

So now we're interceding, in prayer form, that God will grow the seed we planted in Scott's life. Ah! It's so exciting! I wish I could watch it all!


  1. I love it!! Keep listening to Him confidently, God loves this kind of faith! This is inspiring and encouraging, keep writing!

  2. Laura, I LOVE how you describe everything so well. Please keep doing it every week!!! I love it!
    I probably do WISE school some day =)
    Scott will not be able to hide from God and will face Him everywhere! Wauw, God is exiting. Cool that you can expierence this and increes your trust and faith in God in this setting.
