Thursday, April 22, 2010

And so IT Begins

[I wrote this last week]

God is fulfilling my desires. But more importantly I'm fulfilling His! Ooo... that's a spine shiver, to delight and fulfill the dream of God.

Class Week One. Worship.
Our teacher encouraged us to share anything on the spot that God is speaking. And people prophesied over me! Visions and words that touched me so deeply, where I've been struggling with God. Ah! He just knows... I love it!
For listen-to-the-Spirit-and-do-what-he-says day, our group ended up downtown in the Cathedral. Zane suggested we play treasure hunt, where we all pray and get clues for a person to talk to. I suck at this game. Because I never get anything. I shouldn't speak that out, but that's what I feel like. So we prayed. Got some clues. I didn't get anything, but never the less we set out. Walked past a girl on a bench. Made eye contact with her and she slightly returned my smile. Five steps later I was like, "Guys...I gotta go back and talk to that girl." Carmen felt the same thing.
I've realized, that though I used to hate evangelism, I have an evangelist's heart. A heart for the lost. The girl's name was Rubi and she's 16, married, pregnant, and once I knew that I also knew she didn't have a father figure. I was right, no dad. So we spoke into her life, about God as her Father, but also her Lover. How He wants to be with her sooo much that He died for her. And she received Jesus!!!

Another afternoon we were taking care of some business downtown. Lots of beggars were out... But I didn't feel like talking to anybody... Finally, while
waiting for a friend I thought, "Screw this. I'm gonna go talk to that lady I saw. I dunno WHAT I'm gonna say, but I have to be obedient to God."
Haha, Jesus is so kind to me. All I did was ask the lady's name, and then SHE started asking ME questions! We listened to her story, then my Mexican friend came, and we prayed for healing in her ankle. She knows God can heal, because her relative's broken arm was miraculously healed through prayer. We visited her again, giving her some food and clothes and bubbles and a Bible. Her daughter can read and write, so I gave her a journal too. I want her to know her story is important, her thoughts and what God is speaking to her. The lady told us that because we prayed she slept better that night. So she wants us to keep coming and talking to her about God and praying for healing. Ah!! MORE LORD, MORE!!

And through all of this I get to practice my Spanish like crazy. I even was translating in class one morning. More and more God is revealing to me
I am exactly where He wants me to be.

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