Sunday, April 11, 2010

Freedom 101

"Hablamos de amor, gozo, paz, justicia en el espiritu santo"

I almost didn't go evangelizing... I was sitting out on the patio, under a thick heaviness, thinking if I feel like this, there's no way I can go tell people about the freedom and joy in Christ. I was wrestling with God, but under all that heavy pain, I could still feel that joyous freedom! and God told me, that no matter what I feel like or go through, nothing can EVER steal His freedom and joy from me. So I set my will to that truth, got up, and went to the plaza.

Wow. We invited the HOly Spirit as we walked, full of joy. AT the plaza we asked God what to do, and after holding hands and laughing and dancing for like 20 minutes I swear, we finally decided to break up into two groups.
Zane, Tasha and I climbed up the rock stairs overlooking the ocean and worshiped. A guy came up. Skinny with dirty clothes. He offered us all a puff of his cigarette, and I felt a little bad none of us smoked to accept the gesture.
We asked him some questions, and if he knew Jesus. Zane felt like he had a son, but the guy denied it, and started going off about his work, how difficult it was. He talked so fast! I honestly didn't understand anything. But after a few minutes, it dawned on me. This guy had a mental disorder. "Do you know that Jesus can give you complete freedom in your mind?" He was shocked into silence. I explained to him the entire gospel, and power Jesus has to bring freedom because he died for us, defeated death and came back to life. So he can give full life. The guy started protesting saying how he can't, how he has a son but nobody understands him. I told him none of us have can do it by ourselves, cause we're human, it's impossible. But Jesus can give him freedom right now. As soon as I told him we can pray right now, and if he wanted to receive God's freedom. He said no, later. Maybe another time. and tried shaking my hand to leave. I asked him why not now, that he is precious to God, and Jesus wants to give him life NOW. But he ketp saying no, that he wouldn't remember any of this tomorrow, and got up to run down the stairs.
"Zane, Tasha! Come here now, we gotta pray for this guy!" But he was already down the stairs. I seriously almost ran after him, but Zane reminded me he has to come on his own free will. We interceded for him, trusting that God's words do not return void.

It's just so crazy how a person's spirit KNOWS. that guy KNEW. he came face to face with a Love that penetrates lies, and he turned and ran. But God's not giving up on him.

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