Thursday, April 22, 2010

Treasure Hunt 101

Week Two. Intercession.

it's the revelation that EVERYthing I do can be a living act of intercession. Not just prayer. it's bridging the gap between God and man. Bringing God's influence to earth. That's some better motivation for cooking dinner.

So then.. evangelizing is bridging the gap. Literally.
We played treasure hunt again. (mentioned in my previous post) I was determined to be open this time. Seriously, I have the mind of Christ so his thoughts are my thoughts. He IS speaking to me, and I CAN hear Him. We prayed for clues... couldn't get the name "Eduardo" outta my head so I wrote that down along with carrot and yellow plastic bag. I just laughed when I got carrot. But you never know.

My group went to the cathedral. Zorena found the man that matched her clues. Tony got white shirt, cap, and pain in leg. So he started talking to a guy with a white shirt and cap selling bird food. Turns out he had leg pain, AND his name was Eduardo! AH! I showed him what I wrote down, that God gave me his name.

Rachael still hadn't found her person. God had given her picture of a younger white guy, long sandy brown hair, scruffy pirate looking. We ran around the market...nothing. So we stopped to pray again, that God would bring this guy. Then Rachael looked up, "Hey that looks like him..." A group of tourists walked past us, with a scruffy guy, lots of piercings and huge gauges. "Except his hair is dark..." The guy passed us. I said we should just ask if he used to have lighter hair. So we ran after this guy, asked him about his hair. He said yes, but 8 YEARS ago, I got discouraged and thanked him. He left. I didn't know what else to do. Rachael said while we were talking God gave her a word for him. "So... do we run after him again?" But he was no where in sight.
On our way back to the car, Rachael randomly decided she wanted ice cream. So we stopped in Burger King, sat down with our cones. Kept glancing out the window for that guy. We prayed quick; Rachael mentioned it'd be awesome if God just brought him right into Burger King.
A tourist couple next to us was feeding their baby a banana. Rachael had "banana" on her treasure map, so staying obedient to God she went to talk to them. A minute later I looked up. No freaking way. That guy was RIGHT next to my table! Standing in line with his friends. I got up, and taped Rachael on the shoulder. "Dude. Look, he's here. We gotta talk to him! It's totally from God!"
Rachael was a little nervous, but seriously God brought him RIGHT to us. So I walked over, shook his hand. His name is Scott. He asked us why we were searching for a guy that looked like him. So we explained what we were doing, that God gave us a picture of what he looked like. And we weren't doing this just to mess around and meet strangers, but God gives us words and picture because people are on his heart. that HE is on God's heart. So Rachael told Scott the word God gave her, about him being valued. I asked if this was weird for creepy for him. Yup, he was creeped out. Didn't believe in God. I could tell he was nervous, and then his friend came and took him away.

So now we're interceding, in prayer form, that God will grow the seed we planted in Scott's life. Ah! It's so exciting! I wish I could watch it all!

And so IT Begins

[I wrote this last week]

God is fulfilling my desires. But more importantly I'm fulfilling His! Ooo... that's a spine shiver, to delight and fulfill the dream of God.

Class Week One. Worship.
Our teacher encouraged us to share anything on the spot that God is speaking. And people prophesied over me! Visions and words that touched me so deeply, where I've been struggling with God. Ah! He just knows... I love it!
For listen-to-the-Spirit-and-do-what-he-says day, our group ended up downtown in the Cathedral. Zane suggested we play treasure hunt, where we all pray and get clues for a person to talk to. I suck at this game. Because I never get anything. I shouldn't speak that out, but that's what I feel like. So we prayed. Got some clues. I didn't get anything, but never the less we set out. Walked past a girl on a bench. Made eye contact with her and she slightly returned my smile. Five steps later I was like, "Guys...I gotta go back and talk to that girl." Carmen felt the same thing.
I've realized, that though I used to hate evangelism, I have an evangelist's heart. A heart for the lost. The girl's name was Rubi and she's 16, married, pregnant, and once I knew that I also knew she didn't have a father figure. I was right, no dad. So we spoke into her life, about God as her Father, but also her Lover. How He wants to be with her sooo much that He died for her. And she received Jesus!!!

Another afternoon we were taking care of some business downtown. Lots of beggars were out... But I didn't feel like talking to anybody... Finally, while
waiting for a friend I thought, "Screw this. I'm gonna go talk to that lady I saw. I dunno WHAT I'm gonna say, but I have to be obedient to God."
Haha, Jesus is so kind to me. All I did was ask the lady's name, and then SHE started asking ME questions! We listened to her story, then my Mexican friend came, and we prayed for healing in her ankle. She knows God can heal, because her relative's broken arm was miraculously healed through prayer. We visited her again, giving her some food and clothes and bubbles and a Bible. Her daughter can read and write, so I gave her a journal too. I want her to know her story is important, her thoughts and what God is speaking to her. The lady told us that because we prayed she slept better that night. So she wants us to keep coming and talking to her about God and praying for healing. Ah!! MORE LORD, MORE!!

And through all of this I get to practice my Spanish like crazy. I even was translating in class one morning. More and more God is revealing to me
I am exactly where He wants me to be.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Freedom 101

"Hablamos de amor, gozo, paz, justicia en el espiritu santo"

I almost didn't go evangelizing... I was sitting out on the patio, under a thick heaviness, thinking if I feel like this, there's no way I can go tell people about the freedom and joy in Christ. I was wrestling with God, but under all that heavy pain, I could still feel that joyous freedom! and God told me, that no matter what I feel like or go through, nothing can EVER steal His freedom and joy from me. So I set my will to that truth, got up, and went to the plaza.

Wow. We invited the HOly Spirit as we walked, full of joy. AT the plaza we asked God what to do, and after holding hands and laughing and dancing for like 20 minutes I swear, we finally decided to break up into two groups.
Zane, Tasha and I climbed up the rock stairs overlooking the ocean and worshiped. A guy came up. Skinny with dirty clothes. He offered us all a puff of his cigarette, and I felt a little bad none of us smoked to accept the gesture.
We asked him some questions, and if he knew Jesus. Zane felt like he had a son, but the guy denied it, and started going off about his work, how difficult it was. He talked so fast! I honestly didn't understand anything. But after a few minutes, it dawned on me. This guy had a mental disorder. "Do you know that Jesus can give you complete freedom in your mind?" He was shocked into silence. I explained to him the entire gospel, and power Jesus has to bring freedom because he died for us, defeated death and came back to life. So he can give full life. The guy started protesting saying how he can't, how he has a son but nobody understands him. I told him none of us have can do it by ourselves, cause we're human, it's impossible. But Jesus can give him freedom right now. As soon as I told him we can pray right now, and if he wanted to receive God's freedom. He said no, later. Maybe another time. and tried shaking my hand to leave. I asked him why not now, that he is precious to God, and Jesus wants to give him life NOW. But he ketp saying no, that he wouldn't remember any of this tomorrow, and got up to run down the stairs.
"Zane, Tasha! Come here now, we gotta pray for this guy!" But he was already down the stairs. I seriously almost ran after him, but Zane reminded me he has to come on his own free will. We interceded for him, trusting that God's words do not return void.

It's just so crazy how a person's spirit KNOWS. that guy KNEW. he came face to face with a Love that penetrates lies, and he turned and ran. But God's not giving up on him.

Puzzle Pieces

my Loving Father is definitely challenged my trust.

By the third day of WISE school orientation, I was in tears of anxiety. No joke. Yes, I'm excited for this school to be intense, but between that and having other passions and plans for being in Mexico and keeping in touch with my family and friends back home... I felt scattered. A fragmented life with so many people, experiences, tasks, demands, events.
How do you even begin to keep that together? Answer:

God said, TRUST ME. And now He's speaking about two key principles.
1. Living in His presence at all times is my ONLY concern. Through that His love binds all things together in perfect harmony.
2. Time-management. Oooh yes, thank you Jesus. Doesn't sound spiritual, but Harmony (our school leader) told us managing our time is SO spiritual and crucial. There is so much warfare over our time, and truly every moment I have is a gift from God to be governed by Him.
God gave us a Spirit of power, love, and SELF-DISCIPLINE. I never got that before.. like yeah power and love rock on. but self-discipline??? that doesn't sound exciting. But this is who the Holy Spirit is. So if I let Him govern my time, the schedule will serve me, instead of me serving the schedule.

Can I get an amen and hallelujah.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

wake up call

I nearly imploded from sheer joy and happiness.

And shocked, cause that isn't usually the case. Every year I try to avoid easter. I forget it, I criticize it, I grunt at it. Feeling cynical at another "He has risen indeed" holiday complete with candy and bunnies? what? does anyone have heart revelation about what that all MEANS?
hah, I didn't! this was INCREADIBLE. Jumping up and down in a little mexican church filled with dancing, and tambourines, and ribbins, and some sweet drum beats. Like a party in heaven cause Jesus just frickin OBLITERATED THE POWERS OF HELL!!!
Jesus rising from the dead had never hit me in a profound way. Him choosing to DIE for me...that gets me on the floor crying. But hellooo, that's not the END! not even close!
And I think I'm finally at a place to really gaze into the wonder of Him coming back to LIFE, cause of all the ways he's given me life these past seven months. REAL ABUNDANT LIFE. and it's all for joy he endured suffering as a human, dying, and going to hell. why joy?? cause he KNEW in the end He'd smash the powers of death and return to LIFE. to set US free!
That's joy.
That's nothing to just be talked about, or kinda sung about. That's something profound to be LIVED, and EXPERIENCED and SHARED.
Good news right? oh my goodness.
Thank you Holy Spirit for this revelation. I can't believe I made it to 19 without really understanding the joy of "Jesus Alive". I think I need to wake up with that thought more often. Definitely will get you outta bed.