Friday, February 10, 2012

Secret Wisdom of Death

So I'm a missionary kid. I grew up with people coming and going...your best friends always ends up on the other side of the world. It's just a part of life.
But it doesn't get any easier. YWAM is worse. You eat, sleep, play, work, cry and laugh with these people for a year or two....and then it's adios. It's like a small death.

But I didn't except this one. I didn't except my leaders would ever leave. God warned me once, that I could not make my decision to come back based on people. Cause truly, I do have amazing leaders. They hear God clear as a bell, love radically, lead boldy, walk humbly, have overcome hardship and suffering... So God asked me, “Even if your leaders left, would you still obey me and bring my word to Mexico?” I said yes.

But I never expected this. She's not just my leader. I love Harmony. She's like my spiritual mom, an older sister, a dear friend. Not to mention the place she and her husband hold in this ministry is enormous... vital.

Truly God works in mysterious ways, and his understanding no one can fathom. But we have the mind of Christ. And even when my heart was breaking, cause I can't imagine her not being here, God spoke to me:

“Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.” John 12:24

They've planted something amazing here, but now it's time for God to take it to the next level. And bear much fruit. And I saw this picture. The roof above me blew away, and this plant shot up up up. Like Jack and the beanstalk.

It's the secret wisdom of death.

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