Thursday, April 26, 2012

For the First Time

Her. I glance at a girl, sitting alone on the boardwalk ledge, shrinking back from the blaring music and crowds. Throngs of carnival partiers on all sides, yet we wait for the Holy Spirit to single somebody out. “Hey Sharon, come with me.” I grab my Italian partner. As we draw close it's obvious the girl is holding back tears. I ask her what's wrong, but she just shakes her head, too embarrassed to share. So we introduce ourselves, and she gives us her name, Julieta. In moments Sharon has her laughing. She's 17. Her 30 year old boyfriend ditched her in the middle of Carnival to go party. And she just wants to go home. She's has no family or friends in the city. Just the boyfriend she lives with. And now she's pregnant. “ You're like my angels!” she exclaimed after recounting to us her story. “I can't believe you'd come talk to me.” “Of course!" I say. "Do you know how valuable you are? Do you know how God sees you? Are you so precious to him. You are a treasure! You are beautiful. You have something special. Even being close to you, I just feel happy.” She's drinking in every word of truth. “Nobody has ever told me that before....” Sharon goes on to share with her what a relationship with God is like. As we talk and laugh her whole countenance changes. I am stunned at the power of simply loving someone and speaking the truth. Sometimes all it takes if flipping on the light in a dark room, and giving somebody the time of day.

Monday, March 19, 2012

I want to see

Just be honest. Dare to expose what's really going on. And then truth will set you free.

I moped around frustrated for days. For me, it all comes down to what I see... envision. And without vision the people perish. Die..."frito" as they say in espanol. A reoccurring question God asks me, "What do you see?" I saw that I was blind. So so blind!
Here's a story. Jesus is leaving a city, and this blind guy starts screaming hysterically for him. Everybody tells the guy to shut up, but he doesn't. So Jesus calls him over, and asks, "what do you want me to do for you?"
He replies, "Rabbi, I want to see."
'Go," Jesus says,"Your faith has healed you." Instantly the man recovers his sight. (Mark 10)

"What do you want me to do for you?"
For the first time in a while I cried because I was in anguish. Hard as I try, I've been trapped behind my erroneous thinking. I want to see! All I want to know is what it means to be a part of your family. I want to see who you are. What you've done... what you are doing now. What you will do. I want to see past the superficial. Past the circumstances.
The next three days you came and opened my eyes.

You took me through years of my past and asked, "Now, where was I?" Love took on a new meaning. Love is a verb. I saw that moment when I was tripping on acid. When you took your protective hand away from I could see hell and feel the despair and consequences of my decisions. The whole time I was screaming, "Jesus where are you?" But you were right behind me, arms wrapped around me. God... my God.

The second day you showed me the pride in my heart. The pride that wouldn't receive your love, or love others. When you opened my eyes, I was disgusted!! "No, no, no." I won't have that in me, or anywhere near me. And you opened my eyes to see it really does all come down to love. A real, active love I can LIVE in.

And today. Today I was honest with my boss. I'm suppose to lead this school, but I don't know what's going it really mine, or am I just a puppet leader? I didn't want things to get messy...but hey life is messy sometimes. And I saw Jesus is the one who holds all things together, not me. After clarifying the issues, my boss and I ended up laughing hysterically for an hour and missing the staff meeting. Totally messy... totally redeeming.

Oh I love life with my eyes wide open...

Friday, February 10, 2012

Secret Wisdom of Death

So I'm a missionary kid. I grew up with people coming and going...your best friends always ends up on the other side of the world. It's just a part of life.
But it doesn't get any easier. YWAM is worse. You eat, sleep, play, work, cry and laugh with these people for a year or two....and then it's adios. It's like a small death.

But I didn't except this one. I didn't except my leaders would ever leave. God warned me once, that I could not make my decision to come back based on people. Cause truly, I do have amazing leaders. They hear God clear as a bell, love radically, lead boldy, walk humbly, have overcome hardship and suffering... So God asked me, “Even if your leaders left, would you still obey me and bring my word to Mexico?” I said yes.

But I never expected this. She's not just my leader. I love Harmony. She's like my spiritual mom, an older sister, a dear friend. Not to mention the place she and her husband hold in this ministry is enormous... vital.

Truly God works in mysterious ways, and his understanding no one can fathom. But we have the mind of Christ. And even when my heart was breaking, cause I can't imagine her not being here, God spoke to me:

“Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.” John 12:24

They've planted something amazing here, but now it's time for God to take it to the next level. And bear much fruit. And I saw this picture. The roof above me blew away, and this plant shot up up up. Like Jack and the beanstalk.

It's the secret wisdom of death.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

What's this? You call me victory?

I know what's coming, but I shove my hands in my pockets and wander to the back of the room. The place is electric with the presence of God, hundreds of souls caught up in the Beauty of the Most High, drinking in His goodness, crying out in adoration. It's impossible to ignore Him! I know He's hunting me down, but in the most gentle non-obtrusive way like only the Holy Spirit can do. One minute your consumed with how horrid YOU feel, and YOUR so stupid, and how YOUR life doesn't make sense and how YOU never get it right... and the next minute... your drowning in how HE's so real, what HE's doing, HE'S laughing! HE'S singing! HE'S so humble! HE'S so gentle, how HE burns with love, HIS eyes, HIS heart, HE'S powerful! HE'S endless! HE'S victorious! HE defeated death! HE's doing a new thing!

I find myself screaming with laughter, choked up under the weight of his burning affection.

What are you doing God? I try to resist Him the rest of the night, but the weight of him against my soul was unbearable. Rachael prompted me to speak, and finally all the pent up anger, frustration, insecurity, and pride ripped it's way out. "I can't lead again, I just can't do it!"

Committing to YWAM Mexico for 3 years doesn't freak me out anymore, but failing freaks me out. Not making the grade freaks me out. Not "having what it takes" freaks me out.

"...may [the Father] give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better...that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, and his incomparably great power for us who believe." (Eph 1:17)

You're humbling me... If I've ever done a good thing in my life, it wasn't me. It's you. That's is! What have I been doing? Patting myself on the back whenever I do good, I'm obedient, I make it happen, I have an impact... So I congratulate my own efforts, obviously without thinking much about it. And I continue to build this lifestyle of working out of MY strength, and consequently eroding my soul into insecurity and pride. If God does something good through me, my response is to run into the secret place and PRAISE JESUS!

I finally know why my right to receive his love doesn't depend on my actions. Cause any good thing is HIM working and not me anyway! What hilarity! I don't think God is proud of my works; it's the Holy Spirit who's working. I'm just obeying. He's proud of me cause I choose Him! He's proud of me cause I set heart and will to love him! He's proud of me cause I'm just BEING who He made me to be. Of course, I'm his kid. Just cause I'm learning to walk and fall on my face half the time, he'd never say, "wow now you've done it, I'm pretty disappointed." No, the Father is NEVER DISAPPOINTED!" He sees my heart! He's so pleased with the ones who set their heart on his.