Thursday, October 14, 2010


Sometimes I forget I'm on a journey.

Open heavens...
am I not already in heaven? In Jesus? Already seated with Christ in the heavenly places? (Ephesians 2:6) Already in His Kingdom?
How do I engage this Reality.. every time He wispers to my heart, "Faithful in the small" Like praying for healing.
But then I imagine it not happening... cause I've seen more people walk away not healed, then healed. So what's up with that?

He reminded me of the journey we went on yesterday. The journey, NOT the destination.

When we took Althoff to the place where her surprise birthday picnic was SUPPOSE to be (the healing was SUPPOSE to happen), but it wasn't there (it didn't happen!). And I could've gotten frusterated like, "Common God are you serious? I'm trying to bless this person! Isn't that what you want! (Isn't it your WILL to heal!) It's good, pure, why isn't it working out?"
But I didn't think that yesterday, I trusted, kept going, and eventually He brought us to a place even MORE beautiful than the first, where we found everything as expected and even more.

The journey is so precious because He takes me through TESTING AND TRIALS. To rid me off all the lies and garbage I'm still living out of.
Cause what am I afraid of in praying for people, healing, acting of His Kingdom, His promises?
...fear of man, failure, looking foolish, humiliation.

But your truth says there is NO humanilation in Christ. What a dirty lie! Yet I do not have that heart revelation...because I have not walked through it. For that truth to become living breathign in me...His Word become flesh, I must walk through that trial, overcome it in testing, so I KNOW in the depths of my soul.

And if I listen I can hear Him calling, "Start the journey now, dont' wait. Come, follow Me."
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  1. Trials and temptations. That's what God told me about this morning, because I've been weary of the journey seeming pointless and difficult. Trials and temptations make us more like Christ, because with each one comes a chance for good or evil. I'm going to write my own blog post instead of take up space here.

  2. Hee girl, this blog really encouraged me!
    The journey...!
    Love you girl!
