Sunday, January 2, 2011


I didn't truly feel back in Mexico until this morning. Sunday morning service in a dark little room, surrounded by dancing singing shouting worshipers. Suddenly I feel Him tugging gentlly on my heart to go deeper... Let go of trying to control everything.
"Should be like this, or should be doing that" NO. Comparison is a horrible thing. Finally repented, running in and out of the ocean waves. So tired of TRYING, when really I can't force myself to be anything I'm not.

God made me... well, me. It's taken me this long to really grasp that. I hear Him differently, love Him differently... and it's all vital. Each one of us the way we are with God is so vital.

I realized that's my dream. God's heart yes, but even more the Bride - that is ALL of us - embracing Jesus face to face.

1 comment:

  1. Wauw, Love that Laura!
    For how long are you back girl?
    Wish I could talk to you / see you again. Would be so awesome!
