Thursday, May 27, 2010


So tired... my eyes are burning. I´d rather crawl into bed, wake up in the morning, crawl up to the roof and sit vegetable like with Jesus. But if I neglect this blog a day longer, I may never return.

So. Week six and seven of WISE.
My DNA is changing. After reconciling a friendship one night, a group of us headed out to Dairy Queen in the golden zone. Before we could get a taxi, a guy ran up to us at an intersection, shouting. I usually ignore men shouting at me. But my friend shook his hand.
He asked if we were Christians, and as we confirmed that yes indeed we followed Jesus, he broke down, and for ten minutes begged us to help him. A member of the cartel, branded, addicted to drugs, he had scars up and down his arms from trying to cut his veins, and doing herione. Had a gun at home, ready to kill himself, but he knew God was real. And over and over he implored us that he wanted to change, but needed someone to tell him the word of God.
Hah, it took a minute for us to convince him we wanted to help! So as I translated for Chirs, two girls ran back to the base for a Bible to give him. For 45 minutes we shared, prayed, and battled through crap with him. He accepted Jesus, recieved forgiveness for killing a man, forgave his Father for abusing and raping him. So increadible. Especially how our little group worked key rolls.
By the end, he took another ten minutes thanking us profusly, smiling with the joy of God. We never did get to Dairy Queen.

The past week our school went up to the mountains. First two days of leading prophetic worship and evangelism with the church in Durango. After that... climbing rocks and trees and cliffs, and chasing ice cold waterfalls. Silence and solitude with God.

Despite this beauty, I fell apart on the last night. I forget why I exsist sometimes. Freak out about my future, when I don´t see it through the Word of God and His love. Where do I go... what do I do... who will be there for me... But how easily I forget IT´S NOT ABOUT ME.
Jesus said, 'pick up your daily cross. deny yourself. follow me. seek the kingdom above all else, and i´ll give you what you need.'
So LOCATION is irrelevant. I should go, and do whatever will make me more like Him. And sometiems I get so caught up on not hearing His direction super clear, but He told me 'I´m waiting to see what you´re going to do.' This hit me so hard. Cause I´m indecisive. Yet the God of the universe takes the most delight in me, when I´m feeling blind, yet choose to go after Him anyway.
Life is a billion decisions every single day. So to safe guard us, God challenges us to set our heart on ONE THING. For Solomon it was the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord, for David it was God´s presence.
And for me? The ONE THING I´m setting my heart on? To seek in all I do? The Glory of God. To not run away, but break through the veil into the holy of holies. And up in the mountains God told me...

'look around. this earth and universe I´ve made is FILLED with my glory. Yet it´s NOTHING compared to the glory I´ve placed in you'

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