Monday, June 7, 2010

Promise of God

I had no idea what we were doing.

That basically sums up my YWAM experience. A pastor had invited us to his pueblo an hour away. It appeared to be a church service in the central plaza. Earlier Megan had prayed boldness for me, so now I´d better put that into action.

I volunteered to share my testimony. How God´s redeeming every area of my life. Deeper and deeper. How one day on my knees asking "God, how are you going to redeem cutting myself?" And He told me, "I´m going to give you healing hands. You use to destroy and hate with your hands, now you will heal and love."

A year ago I never imagined I´d be up in front of a crowd.. telling them God told me I was going to heal people. But that´s Jesus for you.

After the service Chad called any sick, hurting, sore thumbed person up to the front to get healed. I saw a girl sitting on the side. She had a wrist arm cast. And she wasn´t comming down. I went to her and asked, "do you want your arm healed? come!" Shyly she got up and followed me. I couldn´t understand exactly what happened in spanish, but she couldn´t even move her fingers without pain. It´d been like this for two weeks.
I prayed. Comanded the pain to be gone in Jesus name, and the bones and muscles be perfect in Jesus name. I asked if she felt anything. Wow, the look on her face! Yup, something was happening. She couldn´t describe it, but she said she felt something in her arm, and the pain decreased. So I prayed again. She began to move all her fingers... then her whole wrist. The pain was totally gone! I think I was more suprised than she was! I asked her like 10 times if she was serious. And she kept moving her arm around and around, saying it was totally fine! AH!

This is walking in the promise of God. Jesus redeemed me so I can live life to the full right here, right now. In everything.

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