Monday, June 28, 2010

New Chapter

WISE is over. and I can't believe some people I've been living with for 9 months are now gone.

But the adventure is just beginning. I'm excited for life. God really is all about relationships... when I do things alone, life drags. Not physically alone, there's over 100 people on base at the moment, but alone in spirit.
Jesus told us to be one in him, loving one another deeply. And finally I'm seeing that again, as my brothers and sisters leave in the way we honor and serve each other, and suddenly what's been dull shades for weeks is vibrant again.

you can never love too much.

We visited the kids in the orphanage for the last time... and on the drive home just cried and prayed.
Holding innocent children, trapped in a disabled body, blows my mind. I'm confronted with a deeper reality. One that's more intense than I understand. I want God to take me there... train me bit by bit to enter the dark and twisted places. I know I don't have to search for it. I just keep my eyes on Him... fall deeply in love with Jesus, and let him transform me to his reality. Then he'll bring me what I can handle. More and more to see His Kingdom come.

We leave to Mexico City this wednesday. So I'm off to the roof to practice worship! God will do a miracle if I can learn in one week!!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Promise of God

I had no idea what we were doing.

That basically sums up my YWAM experience. A pastor had invited us to his pueblo an hour away. It appeared to be a church service in the central plaza. Earlier Megan had prayed boldness for me, so now I´d better put that into action.

I volunteered to share my testimony. How God´s redeeming every area of my life. Deeper and deeper. How one day on my knees asking "God, how are you going to redeem cutting myself?" And He told me, "I´m going to give you healing hands. You use to destroy and hate with your hands, now you will heal and love."

A year ago I never imagined I´d be up in front of a crowd.. telling them God told me I was going to heal people. But that´s Jesus for you.

After the service Chad called any sick, hurting, sore thumbed person up to the front to get healed. I saw a girl sitting on the side. She had a wrist arm cast. And she wasn´t comming down. I went to her and asked, "do you want your arm healed? come!" Shyly she got up and followed me. I couldn´t understand exactly what happened in spanish, but she couldn´t even move her fingers without pain. It´d been like this for two weeks.
I prayed. Comanded the pain to be gone in Jesus name, and the bones and muscles be perfect in Jesus name. I asked if she felt anything. Wow, the look on her face! Yup, something was happening. She couldn´t describe it, but she said she felt something in her arm, and the pain decreased. So I prayed again. She began to move all her fingers... then her whole wrist. The pain was totally gone! I think I was more suprised than she was! I asked her like 10 times if she was serious. And she kept moving her arm around and around, saying it was totally fine! AH!

This is walking in the promise of God. Jesus redeemed me so I can live life to the full right here, right now. In everything.

Friday, June 4, 2010


Week eight.
God is reawakening my heart to His Kingdom.

I used to think, "Wow it'd be great to witness a miracle one day.... see someone healed." But I had doubts... and those grow when you pray and pray for sick friends and NOTHING happens. Like, "God if you're so powerful and good why don't you just HEAL them! Or do you even want to?"

But more and more as I look at Jesus, He's transforming my mind.

Is it God's will to heal? All the time? YES. Jesus healed EVERYONE who came to him. But He never prayed for people. He never said "ooh God.. please just make them better, please." No, he COMANDED. He said, "Be well." He knew his authority. It's the same authority he gave to his disciples. And he gave to us. And then he comanded US to go heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons.

So I'm thinking, if Jesus told me to do it, I better do it. Plus He's personally given me promises about healing. Two from other people and one from himself. My response? GOD I WANT TO SEE YOUR KINGDOM!

So we're in church. Our speaker just finished and calls students up to the front to pray for people. A lady comes up to me with stomache and back pain. I put my hands on her and command the pain to leave in Jesus name. Pray a little more... then the clincher, the part where you ask "How do you feel now??" She smiles and says it's all gone. What? I'm a little increduous. I've only seen God move supernaturally in healing ONE time before. And it wasn't just me praying. But she confirmed she did indeed feel no more pain. Awesome! Thank you Jesus!
I moved on to pray for another lady's hurting knees with my friend Chris. Nothing was happening. Chris felt she should go walk around then come back. I thought she looked anoyed walking away. But ten minutes she came back and said she was totally better!!
After church, I was pumped. If I saw a person with a crutch or whatever on the street I was like BOOM! Can I pray for you???? And nothing happened...

One of our students, Alan, was reeeally sick. So after class we pulled him outta bed to pray for healing. He looked horrible... stumbled in, no strength, aching muscles and head, hot eyes. Honestly, my faith was weak. We prayed once. Nothing. Now my faith was gone. But we prayed again. He said his headache was gone. Cool! But he still had no strength and his body hurt all over. So we kept praying, this time with more courage. By the fourth time he stood up, checking his musles all over saying, "I'm fine! Totally fine. Weird. Yeah, I feel perfect." Thank you Jesus!

So once again out on the street I prayed for everyone I saw. Nothing, nothing, nothing, though they were all surprisingly greatful and enthusastic. Except one tourist. She wouldn't let me pray.

Back on base my friend Tasha told me her hip was bothering her. She tweaked it, and it hurt to move. So I just comanded healing in Jesus name super quick. She said it felt a little better, but nothing major. Then later that night, she came up to me and said it felt totally fine! No pain!

I don't have this healing thing figured out. At all. But Jesus told us to pray "May your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth JUST AS IT IS IN HEAVEN." And there's no sickness in heaven. So there should be no sickness here. Jesus didn't just die to get us a free ticket to heaven. No, he died so that Heaven would come in our hearts, and be released NOW.

So I'm going to keep taking steps of faith and praying for healing. I know I need tenacity. Heider Baker prayed for 1,000 blind people before her first healing. And now nearly every single blind person she prays for is healed. So am I willing to do that?

Keep me acountable. Message me and ask me. Am I praying for people? Have I see more healing?

May Your Kingdom come. Heck yeah.